
Monday, February 15, 2010

In Which I Resume Chronicling My Gardening Addiction

Readers of the backyard food growerly persuasion take note:

Sustenance is back in action.

Oh, and that's broccoli.


Kathy G said...

Thanks for telling us what it is :)

I always think I'll start seeds from scratch, but end up buying plants. There's been a much wider variety available the past few years at the greenhouse I go to.

Jaelithe said...

I used to always buy most of my plants from nurseries. But then the power of my inner cheapskate overcame the power of my inner garden slacker.

Seriously, after the initial set-up cost for indoor lights, and assuming you try to use inexpensive / repurposed materials for ongoing supplies, it is SO MUCH CHEAPER to grow from seed. Like, ridiculously cheaper. Like, "Hey, while I'm at this, why don't I try three new varieties of basil and grow free tomato seedlings for five of my neighbors!" cheaper.

You just have to make sure you read up on seed starting first so you don't wind up with a bunch of weak plants that you have to replace with nursery plants anyway (that MAY have happened to me the year I tried to just start all my seeds on a windowsill.)

Anonymous said...

I am already thinking about gardening. But we are prepping our house to move and who knows when that will happen.

I have spent the last 8 years landscaping, plant by plant. And I will be sad to leave my established perennial garden.

But I may have to pop some plants out and take them with us.

We were married at Allerton Park in the brick-walled garden in front of a bed of lavender irises. The nursery at the park was selling Allerton Irises one summer and I bought several plants. I am definitely taking those with me.

One of the houses I am interested in has a ginormous back yard. I can see lots of garden beds way in the back. I want to eventually plants blackberries and blueberries in addition to our obsession with strawberries. Nothing is better than a sun-warmed strawberry fresh out of the garden.

Happy growing! said...

I totally killed our broccoli last time. And the little that survived was sooo bitter... :( Hope yours is delicious.