
Thursday, May 11, 2006

All Hail the Fix-It Man

My power to whine at the general public over the internet without having to wait 45 seconds for every web page to load has been restored!

My husband, wizard and sage of all things computer, has temporarily fixed the power supply. He shook some things, jostled some things, pinched some things, unplugged and replugged some things, muttered some sort of profanity-laced incantation, and, voila, our computer turned on.

He said something or other to me that sounded vaguely like "internal breaker blown," and he is of the opinion that we will shortly have to purchase a new power supply regardless of his quick fix if we don't want our whole computer to fry the next time it rains into our electrical system.

But it's sunny out today! At least I can finish these Mother's Day presents I'm making that require Photoshop. Sweet, sweet, lovely, RAM-hogging Photoshop, that will not run worth beans on my ancient other computer.

(P.S. Don't worry, Mom-101: I was only at my secondary computer long enough yesterday to check and make sure our DSL router was still fully functional, as we've already lost one DSL router to all of the power failures and surges we get here. I posted while checking the router out. As soon as I was sure the router hadn't also been fried, I turned the computer off, and I'm happy to report that no electrocutions resulted).

(P.P.S. Andrea, a neighbor and friend of mine already threatened the apartment office with legal action once when our entire building had squirrels in the crawlspaces chewing on the wiring and insulation and they refused to hire an exterminator. They didn't seem to care . . . our complex is owned by a huge corporate conglomerate that is only concerned with the most superficial appearances, and I don't think the management staff in the office feel any sense of real loyalty to the company, or any need to protect its financial interests, let alone any sense of loyalty to the people who live here and would sort of prefer to have their homes not burn down. But it's always worth another try, I guess).


Andrea said...

Yes, try. If not, call Contact 2. They'll shape right up. Hopefully.

P.S. I have written a tribute to you in my post from an idea that Her Bad Mother had on a tribute to Mommy bloggers on Mother's Day. (I dont' know if that linking thingy will work but I thought I'd give it a shot.)

Lisa said...

Grrr. I lived in Central West End for alittle while. And God was my apt complex owned by slum lords.

I can relate and sympathize!

Jaelithe said...

In the last place I lived in the CWE, a so-called "luxury highrise," on our move-in day, my ex-boyfriend and I went up to our apartment to discover paint splatters on the carpet, painted-shut cabinets and windows, gaping holes where bathtub hardware should have been, doors without doorknobs, paint buckets and tools still sitting around everywhere, and cigarette butts and soda cans scattered all over the floor. We wound up having to take back the already-paid-for-and-loaded rental truck and pay prorated rent at our old place while we waited three days for them to clean up the mess.

Then a few months later we discovered that paper wasps had build an enormous nest inside our bathroom wall. In our THIRTEENTH-FLOOR apartment. They kept insisting the wasps must have been flying in from outside. Ten to fifteen wasps a day. When we had the windows closed. They refused to send an exterminator for over a month, until we showed them photographs of the wasps flying out of a hole in the wall, and threatened to sue them.

Dawn said...

I have visions of the whole thing burning down ala Office Space....

Once all your stuff is out of course.

Mom101 said...

PHEW! I came over just to make sure you were still here. You are. I can rest easy now.

Andrea said...

Wasps. Shudder. I'd have moved right then.

The Adventures Of Dr. Gene and His Mate WonderMum said...

You know what I find REALLY cool? You married a man ALOT like your father...TR

Debbie said...

happy mother's day, sweetie!


MrsFortune said...

Wow, that sounds like my husband. What is it about that profanity that works such magic? I'll never know.

Raquita said...

You seem so so familiar - any who I enjoy your writing whether we have met before or not!

Debbie said...

Dude, thanks for the awesome comment about the flight attendants. I *so* appreciate you p.o.v. :)

Debbie said...

er, *your* p.o.v.

(I have nothing against the letter 'r' this evening, although my left hand may and just hadn't informed me.)

sweatpantsmom said...

Glad to see you're up and running again!

And perhaps a dead squirrel delivered to those corporate mucky-mucks would do the trick?