
Thursday, April 24, 2008

All Right, What Can I Say

I am a terrible blogger. Garden series still not finished. Partly because, well, I've been actually planting a garden. (Spring waits for no woman. And my some of my seedlings are busting out of their peat pots.)

And more because I've just been all out of sorts this week. It's not just the car break-in (and the shooting I witnessed a couple of blocks away AS I was standing in the dark street in a pool of shattered glass next to my car giving the police officer my statement about the break-in -- did I mention that here on the blog? No? Well, now I did).

Like I said in response to some comments on my last post, I'm actually kind of accustomed to violent shit like that happening, though it has been a pleasant while.

It's more that I just feel sort of cumulatively worn down lately by minor mishaps, unfortunate occurences and petty thievery (not just the car theft-- petty thievery like banks charging nonsense fees, insurance companies trying to retroactively deny claims they already paid half a year ago, etc., etc.-- I'm sure you've all had the experience.)

And then I feel really guilty for feeling worn down by this B.S., when some of my blogfriends have much worse things going on. Like Dana who recently lost her whole blog due to a server disaster. Or Andrea whose baby had some weird unexplained respiratory attack the other day that briefly turned her blue. Or Kim, who, as I type this, may or may not be watching the special investigative report that is on KSDK right now about the crash that killed two of her daughters. (The report they have been advertising, like, EVERY TEN MINUTES for days now with an image of the smashed vehicle. Merciful heavens, Kim. I hope you've been watching Channel 4 or something instead.) Or Rebecca, who just interrupted her book tour to go to one of her best friend's funerals, AND who had her car broken into, too, so somebody could steal an MP3 player.

I could go on, and on. It seems like a lot of people I know/read have had a pretty crappy couple of weeks (months, years-- fill in the blank) lately, actually. And that makes me feel like a whiner for letting the little stuff-- the tangled-in-red tape kind of stuff-- get me down.

I think I need to get outside more this weekend. And maybe drink a little. Anyone want to join me?


Raquita said...

GAWD YES!! when and where?!?!?

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to join you for that drink. I make a mean pomegranate martini..... :) Life seems to go in cycles. Everything for me and everyone I care about gets hit over and over and over and then there will be a time of semi-smooth sailing for a while and then bam the cycle starts again. Hopefully there will be an upturn soon. :)

Anonymous said...

I will bring the Stag.

Kim said...

Aw, thanks so much for thinking of me. I don't watch local TV anyway (hello HGTV!) so I wasn't bombarded too much. However, they broadcast Channel 5 at the gym where I work at during lunch so I did see it several times yesterday.

I would LOVE to join you for a cocktail as well. Alas, I am building a fence on Saturday. However, I received a lovely bottle of Absolut Raspberry and about half a dozen bottles of wine for my birthday last week, so if you're interested in combining getting outside and drinking, feel free to come help me with the fence. And by help I mean sit on the deck, tell me the fence post isn't straight, and mix another martini for me. :)

Is it a sign that I got piles of alcohol for my birthday?

Anonymous said...

I could use a drink! I just don't know how I can fit it in. I need life to slow down just a bit so I can catch up!

Debbie said...

I wish you (and I, and everyone) could feel comfortable in kvetching sans glancing over the proverbial shoulder to determine whether we're appropriately entitled to do so, because the grass is much less green in someone else's plot of life, to feel valid in our woes.

Although, on second thought, maybe it's exactly that reason that saves us a little, every time we *do* speculate. what's the adage - there but for the grace of [higher power] go I. ahhh, yes.

I still think you're entirely valid in your right to complain. and I (((((you))))) just like I'm straight outta Kazakstan. or however it's spelled.

xoxoxoox Deb

Anonymous said...

I'll join you. And don't feel like a whiner. There's always someone out there who will have some worse scenario/tragedy/situation. Just because yours may not be the worst doesn't mean you can't feel crappy about it.

This from the queen of apologizing for feeling bad about stuff because so many people have it worse than me and I'm so luckeeeeee....

Ruth Dynamite said...


Farrell said...

Damn I missed it. Doing family stuff and had sophie. but THIS coming weekend I'm all about it, but probably not until after my shfit at Paddy o's (if I get one or two - CUBS/CARDS weekend and I need the $$$).

Lisa said...

Have been thinking of you lots lately with what's happened with you. (And Andrea and the other ladies you mentioned.)

Sending you a virtual martini...